Motorized Box - Dino
Entertainment in the children's room. The motorized Box Dino from Eco-Engineering offers the best entertainment for the children. After the educational assembly, the monstrous dinosaur moves through the children's room powered by a motor. Sustainability in perfection: The kit offers a very special approach. Each piece of the packaging is needed to assemble the motorized dinosaur. No waste is left after assembly. The motorized dinosaur provides the child with important learning effects in dealing with our earth's resources. Through the complete use of the packaging, ecological behavior can be experienced. With its particularly easy handling, the kit offers lightness and at the same time challenges the child's dexterity when assembling it. Additionally required: 1 AAA battery
The creative games and research sets also promise lots of learning and experimenting fun for curious children. Educationally valuable for girls and boys. Discover the world playfully with 4M.