Styrian wild garlic pesto
It's wild garlic season! If you go for a walk with your children, go towards the forest or stream and combine the trip with collecting wild garlic, perhaps packing a small pair of scissors. It's currently sprouting up, especially near streams and in dark, damp forest entrances. And don't worry, it's actually really easy to distinguish from lily of the valley. The poisonous lilies of the valley have a much thicker stem and their leaves only begin to grow further up the stem; whereas the wild garlic-scented leaves sprout right at the bottom. As long as the delicious green has no flowers yet (usually not until the end of May), you can use it wonderfully to make pesto - and because here in Styria, pumpkin seed oil is simply a must, I have a recipe for a Styrian wild garlic pesto for you here.
Styrian wild garlic pesto
. around 150 grams of fresh wild garlic
. 1 cup seeds (sunflower, pine, pumpkin seeds)
. about 200 ml olive oil
. 2 cloves of garlic
. approx. 50 ml pumpkin seed oil
. Salt & pepper to taste
Wash the wild garlic, dry it in the salad spinner, cut it into small pieces and put it in the mortar or fill it in a tall container. Lightly roast the seed mixture and, when cool, add it to the wild garlic and season well with salt and pepper. Then add the olive oil and mix finely with the hand blender. Stir in the pumpkin seed oil well with a spoon.
You can also add grated Parmesan or Asmonte or grate it over the top at the table.
Bon appetit!
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